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At Asite, we value our customers greatly, and our number one priority is to support your business and enable collaborative working across your projects.
To this end, we continue to deliver on our vision to connect people and help the world build better.
Microsoft Power BI reports can now be embedded into the Asite platform dashboard to enable fast and easy access to your project data.
External back-office systems combine different data sources, and the interactive visual dashboard and drilldowns allow for Enterprise-level reporting and analytics.
Showcase data reports and insights from Asite to support data-driven decision-making.
A complete re-design of the Dashboard Designer and Dashboard Viewer tools, and a simpler, more streamlined Dashboard builder is now available.
The Advanced Report Designer now supports drilling down (aka linking to) a Dashboard in addition to another Advanced Report. The linking filter is applied to all the tiles on the Dashboard automatically.
The new toolbar is easier to work with and view. A new color picker and "sticky" headings round out enhancements to the Report Designer for an all-around better experience for users.
Easily share and view documents, and collaborate virtually with the onsite field team within the Common Data Environment.
Schedule and conduct meetings with other team members or stakeholders, regardless of their location.
Recipients of meeting invites can join through the App without logging into the Asite platform, allowing for seamless information sharing throughout the entire supply chain.
CDE - Auto revision numbering update: The Visual Workflow groovy script has been upgraded to support defining abbreviation code instead of attribute name. This is to benefit projects where language specific attribute names are configured for statues, purpose of issue.
CDE - QR code upgrade: The QR code function has been extended to allow metadata from the point at which the file was downloaded to viewed. Optionally, metadata can be presented dynamically representing the current state.
Extended API: The API now allows for new files to be published with standard and custom attributes.
Support for Czech: The Asite platform now supports Czech along with other major international languages, including English UK, English US, French, German, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, and Irish.
API for file audit information: Export file audit information including status change, revision changes and distribution information.
CDE - Supported file view (embedded content): Project teams can easily collaborate on 2D files and their embedded contents with the Universal Web Viewer.
File compare improved: With the Universal Web Viewer, teams can now compare file content from within the online viewer itself, thus improving the experience and reducing the steps to switch to listing.
Share link structure: Share link structure now simplified and more user-friendly.
Publish as PDF system task upgrade: Admins can now configure whether attachments of the original or latest forward (FWD) needs to be embedded.
General bug fixes and performance improvements: This release also comes with general bug fixes and general performance improvements in the Asite platform.
Save as PDF: The Universal Web Viewer now supports generating files as PDF from the listing.
Summary Notification for Paper Users disabled: Summary email notifications will exclude projects where users are marked as paper users, eliminating unwanted notifications to end users.
Notification on form-close out simplified: To eliminate unwanted notification on form close-out, For Information tasks will now only be issued if user has opted to notify all members.
Bookmarks: The Universal Web Viewer now allows users to create bookmarks while reviewing a 2D file.
Support discontinued for TLS 1.1: Asite will be removing TLS 1.1 from the list of supported protocols as part of the Asite 21 release. This is to enhance the platform’s security. There are vulnerabilities in older TLS protocols so it is important to limit their usage on our platform. TLS 1.2 & TLS 1.3 will then be the protocols that need to be used to access the platform.
BID WINNER: Online quantity take-off and estimating tool. Generate your Bill-of-Quantity (BOQ) in few clicks.
ADODDLE FIELD FOR SITE: Site dashboard and navigation enhancements.
COMMON DATA ENVIRONMENT: Online real-time annotations and collaboration.
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"We use Asite in all of our projects to streamline document management and enhance collaboration across our project teams. "
”Asite has transformed Sesani’s project delivery processes to a user-friendly cloud based, digital platform providing a traceable and secure environment for all our projects’ information. Asite is an excellent collaboration platform…. "
"Asite’s streamlined processes, pin-point accuracy and versatility in controlling the flow of information has proven to be an invaluable collaboration tool between ourselves, our consultants, subcontractors and our clients.
Asite has helped to achieve transparency between all parties within the Design Team and generally throughout the construction process. "
"Implementing Asite empowered our project management process through a custom-made and user-friendly digital platform. Apart from document management, Asite enhanced the work process in design, approval and construction management. "
"Asite have shown clear strength in the maturity and depth of capabilities of its system, particularly in the capital delivery aspects. Adoddle is providing our project teams with the capabilities to manage the coordination and dissemination of models, data, files and documentation to clear and industry recognised standards. "
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