Paul Wilkinson'srecent blog post aboutdisruptive ideasin the construction collaboration space...
....which leads into BIM. I mentioned in my last post that the evolution of technology was all about natural selection; let me explain further by explaining this process towards Information Modelling.
Some years back one of my competitors (remaining nameless, but in the news recently) approached me at a SIIA event in Holland and asked me: "Why are you getting involved in Building Information Modelling (BIM), it will never take off"? OH, HOW WRONG HE WAS. I said to my business partner over dinner that evening that we must push this agenda and we have been leading this field since.
As we now know, natural selection has forced our competitors to keep up.
Business or Building Information Modelling is the evolution of thought - if we can Model, we can change. If we can do this collaboratively we will win.
Over the past 5 years our users have been creating some of the best Apps I've seen for ages - using our AppBuilder technology. They have taken our platform and evolved it for their very own needs. Slowly but surely they are replacing the need for their very cumbersome, monolithic ERP Solutions and have moved most of the processes into our Cloud (Adoddle) and integrated this highly productive information into the Information Model. It's not just about COBie or Level x - it's about every aspect of the business being Modelled to perfection.
Old school ERP can't do this - BIM CAN.....
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