(Coming Soon!): Introducing Bid Winner for Subcontractors.
Asite is introducing Bid Winner for Subcontractors - a web-based based online takeoff and estimating tool for contractors and construction professionals. It helps estimators speed up and improve accuracy of the takeoff process to turn the process entirely digital, further improving speed and accuracy.
Here is a quick overview of it's features:
- Quick and easy point, click, and drag method to pull all aspects of materials and quantities off of the 2D plans. File formats include DWG, DXF and PDF (Vector or Raster) file formats.
- Support scaling PDF files.
- Support area, linear, count measurement types to quickly and accurately derive material quantities. Input heights and capture factors (incl. negative) to calculate total quantities.
- Build material list online with takeoff quantities.
- Sleek interface that displays thumbnail view of documents, color shading for measured quantities, mouse-wheel to zoom-in / out of document as user draws to measure an area.

- Design and build your own structure, create as many headings and levels / sub-levels as required.
- Enter quantities manually or use the online takeoff.
- Upload 2D, 3D for takeoffs or pull existing takeoff info from Takeoff module.
- Add Markup in % for Materials, labour, equipment, service, sub-contractor.
- Generate cost estimates with material quantities for bid submissions.

- Generate quantity takeoff (BOQs), summary or detail reports and finalize project estimates.
- Adhoc reporting via Asite Reporting tool.

This announcement is for reference. Future releases may impact the information presented below. If you have any queries, questions please contact support@asite.com