PLINX is a hazard intelligence system that improves health and safety in the construction environment. PLINX is split into two different core features: PLINX Management (physical devices), and PLINX Intelligence.
How does it work? The construction environment is made up of several tags that are used to protect people, places, and plant, which are all connected to a central control system deployed by PLINX. The network can span distances up to 3 miles from the base station but is also easily expandable.
One of the best parts of this innovate piece of technology is the location and proximity detection, which can be performed with very high accuracy (30 cm) with omnidirectional proximity detection. The helmet-mounted tags provide a clear and precise signal vs. other solutions which are often chest or wrist-mounted which can interfere with omnidirectional detection abilities.
Other features include:
Distance and direction tracking: locate where a person is in relation to the hazard.
Automatically configurable zones: deploy cones in straight lines or polygon shapes to create a safe zone or an exclusion zone and without the need for a web app or separate device.
A look at what the network would look like:
With the wealth of useful data created from location and proximity, and connectivity, PLINX is also looking at other ways they can make this data available and useful for everyone else in the industry. One avenue PLINX has been looking at is integrating with SafetiBase.
At the time of writing, PLINX has successfully pulled data from their systems and into SafetiBase. The link will be bi-directional so that data can be pulled from the real world and made available in SafetiBase. Likewise, the integration will give the ability to identify hazards in the design stage in 3D Repo so recommendations can be made for a safer environment on-site e.g. setting up tags/exclusion zones.
For more info about PLINX contact:
Tommy Williams – CEO
+44 (0) 1527304054
To learn more about SafetiBase or 3D Repo contact: