We are really excited to present the latest release of 3drepo.io V5.6 which carries some of the most advanced features being implemented to date! This includes a hugely improved 3D model viewer that can render more than double the amount of geometry before the streaming functionality kicks in while preserving the same amount of visual fidelity.
Take a look at various improvements in V5.6 that enhance the overall usability of the Asite 3D Repo platform on the web.
New Features and Enhancements in V5.6
4GB Model Viewer
With the release of our enhanced 3D model viewer, we are now able to render literally double the amount of geometry on a web browser. This functionality is now enabled by default but should your computer not have enough available memory, you can always switch back to the old 2GB model viewer in the Visual Settings (top right user icon). Take the new viewer for a spin with bigger models right away!

Tabular View for Tickets
With a freshly developed tabular view, the users are able to manage their tickets across multiple federations and containers within a single convenient interface. These can be grouped by different fields including assignees, and searched across all types with ease.

LOD Settings for Native Revit Uploads
This release also brings the ability to set different Level of Detail quality settings on upload of native Revit files into the web interface. Previously, this capability was only available in our Revit plug-in but now it is also enabled when importing .rvt files directly. The users can select six different settings from very low to the highest quality affecting the triangulation of the geometry upon import. Simply click the edit (pen) icon in the file upload dialog next to the Revit file revision name and select from the Level of Detail drop down menu.
“Smarter” Smart Groups
The signature Smart Groups within 3D Repo have been made even smarter as part of the V5.6 release. Each filter can now be assigned a custom name making the legibility within complicated queries that much easier. What is more, it is now also possible to add multiple field definitions within a single matching operator so that multiple fields can be pattern matched simultaneously. Finally, apart from the all powerful regular expressions (regex) definitions the web interface now also offers the ability to search for queries that either contain, start or end with a specific expression.

Federation Groups
Creating complex federations consisting of potentially hundreds of different 3D models can be a daunting task. We have therefore added the ability to group individual sub-models within a federation through user-defined names to make their management just a little bit easier. These groupings are then automatically transferred over to the tree view within the model viewer, too. There, the elements have been also alphabetically sorted to improve navigability. Oh, and when at it, we also added the original file extensions to each revision entry within model containers.
Autodesk 2024 Support
A notable mention deserves also the newly released support for the 2024 versions of native files as well as plug-ins for Autodesk Revit, Navisworks and Civil 3D, see downloads section here: https://www.asite.com/resources/downloads
Repositioned Intercom
We also integrated the Intercom functionality within the top navigational bar. So when you want to talk to us or look up help pages, simply follow the question mark icon in the top right.

Custom 3D Viewer Background Colour
Finally, we also added the ability to change the background colour of the 3D viewer itself which is especially useful for those situations where there is reduced contrast or specific project requirements.

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