Asite Secure Invoicing (ASI) is a new approach in answering the growing demand from businesses which do not require a full trading solution, but want to realise the time and cost savings of using e-invoicing rather than traditional processes. ASI provides a positive return on investment against traditional invoicing methods regardless of the number of invoices processed per month, fitting perfectly with any business. ASI is simply about reducing the time and cost of processing invoices. Any business can now reduce the cost per invoice by a minimum of 60%* through the use of an affordable solution.
Tony Ryan, Asite CEO, commented, "Asite works closely with its customers; we have listened to our customers needs and have developed our product range accordingly. Asite created ASI because we believe that the construction industry is in need of an affordable and basic trading solution, allowing small businesses to integrate with the supply chain and grow their business further. ASI has been created to help reduce the fragmentation of the UK construction industry and allow further supply chain integration."
* See Asite Research: Indicative cost of processing an invoice.
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