With a shortage of highly skilled workers in the US, AI and augmented reality will enable workers to perform more complex tasks. New recruits will receive accelerated augmented reality training and senior workers will see sophisticated cost, safety and design analysis.
Architects, quantity surveyors or construction managers are low on the list of professions likely to be replaced by machines, compiled by scientists from Oxford University.
Through facial and object recognition, AI will ensure everyone has the required training and safety equipment. Qualifications will be mapped to tools, machines and tasks in real time. Instant alerts will avoid dangerous actions and mistakes.
Expect to have your hands and eyes free as you walk around sites, take notes, send messages and search for files much more quickly using your voice.
By analysing data and activity, AI will suggest adjustments to everything from teams and building designs to financials and procurement. Just as AI (from major retailer) predicted pregnancy based on subtle changes in purchase habits, construction AI will enable super-human project planning. High risk subcontractors will be identified based on real-time data and past performance. Look out for AI enhancements to Adoddle's process automation, procurement analytics and risk management.
Adoddle is the cloud platform for collaboration across
disciplines, from concept to completion and beyond.